We love kids!
Children are always welcome and encouraged to participate in the worship service! Every Sunday children are invited up front to hear a children’s Bible story. We also have a child care room with a trained child care provider.
We love the sounds and busy-ness that come when children are in the pews. We also have a Family Room at the back of the sanctuary with audio and a window to the service, which can be seen and heard. There are also a changing table, couch, toys, and a rocker. Parents can sit here with children who need more space or extra attention and still participate in the service.

Additionally, there is a separate Kids’ Worship program for part of the service, with songs, activities and time to pray for one another.
Kids worship in their own way with their own practices. We want to encourage them to be themselves as much as possible. Youth play “Happy Birthday” on the piano for the monthly birthday celebration, read selections from the Bible and provide seasonal artwork.
There are also other activities – we have had park playdates and hikes.
Book recommendations from our online Story Time worship