We are a Matthew 25 Congregation

“We pledge to protect and defend vulnerable people in the name of Jesus.” Matthew 25 is a national movement inspired by Jesus’ words, “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Particularly in this time, those who need protection are immigrants and refugees, those subjected to mass incarceration, and religious minorities who are the targets of hate. To learn more and sign the pledge, click here.
We celebrated “Barefoot Sunday” with donations of shoes and socks to Shoes for the Homeless.
Service to Safe Place for Youth

We have had a meaningful partnership with SPY (Safe Place for Youth) for many years. We cook a meal each month to serve a the drop-in center for unhoused youth. One group will gather on a weeknight to cook the meal ahead of time. Then another group comes the following day to transport the meal to the drop-in center and serve the meal.
Join us to cook or serve! Sign up for an upcoming date or contact the office with any questions.
Earth Care

God calls us to be careful, humble stewards of this earth, and to protect and restore it for its own sake, and for the future use and enjoyment of the human family. We are proud to be an Earth Care congregation. To become certified as an Earth Care Congregation a church takes the “Earth Care Pledge” and completes activities and projects in the fields of worship, education, facilities and outreach. Culver Presbyterian has been an earth care congregation for more than 10 years and is helping other churches take the steps they need to become earth care congregations. See this article by our pastor: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/story/pt-0322-earth-care/
As we move past the pandemic, when we stayed home and used more plastic in the packaged goods that helped us stay safe by, for example, avoiding dining out, we recommit to using less plastic, working together to effect change.

Additionally, a small raised-bed garden was begun at Easter 2019 and plans are underway to replace grass landscaping with low-water usage plants.
Are you looking for more ways to reduce your waste? Find this Zero Waste Los Angeles Resource Guide that will help you as you get started on a Zero Waste journey. Did you know you can compost your food waste in the green bin? All Culver City residents can use their green bins for industrial compost. Read more here. Don’t live in Culver City? Learn about sharing your compost at Share Waste.

Habitat for Humanity
We have been proud to partner with Habitat for Humanity and Presbytery of the Pacific to build new affordable homes across the street from our church building on Globe Avenue. We continue to welcome our Habitat neighbors with a summer block party and Christmas caroling.
Food Drives
Throughout the year we collect food for St. Joseph Center. Their mission is to provide working poor families, as well as homeless men, women and children of all ages with the inner resources and tools to become productive, stable and self-supporting members of the community. Most needed items